PP06 Software Map
This is description of all the files in the CVS and releases,
and the tools you need to build PP06
Currently it compiles using:
- Borland C3.1 for Dos/Win98
- Borland C5.51 Free command line compiler for WinNT,2K,XP
- Kylix3 CBuilder Open edition for Linux
- Microsoft Visual C 5
Most compiling and debugging is done using Borland C3.1
IDE. It is fast, simple and reliable. This makes the
executable PP06.EXE
Borland C 5.0 was used for making the windows version
PPWIN.EXE. It can also compile a dos version PPDOS.EXE
Now I use the free Borland
C 5.5 free compiler have included make files from BC5 that
work with this. Probably you can use Kylix 3 now that it
includes a C compiler
The Linux version is compiled using the free Borland Kylix 3 Open Edition
Thanks to Edmund Harfman you can compile with Microsoft
Visual C
Autoduck is a free MS program that is used to make a
source code help file (PP06.HLP) from tags in the C source (eg
@func). This was begun late, so there are only a few tags so far.
This HLP file gives me a context sensitive software reference
from within the editor (Multiedit 9).
InstallShield Express is used to make a windows install
Putty is used as the SSH client for working with the
sourceforge shell.
- config.h
Contains global declarations and compile time parameters
- pp06.c
Main Program, and all high level read & program
- pp_opts.c
Parses the command line options, and emits error messages
- pp_help.c
All help (html and text) is built in this
- hex.c
Read and write hex files to memory image
- picslist.c
Change this file to add new pics
- rdpics.c
Stub for future ability to read pic definitions from a
text file
- pictypes.c
functions using picslist.c, rdpics.c and config word
- Pphw.c
mid-level hardware functions. Add new hardware types here
These files are replaced to add new operating systems or
port types
- pp_dport.c
DOS printer-port interface
- timer.c
DOS timer functions
- wtimer.c
WIN-NT timer functions
- tdlportio.cpp
WIN-NT Printer port functions
- linux_timer.c
Linux timer routine
- pp_lport.c
Linux printer-port interface
- linux_conio.c .h Linux routines that replace the dos
conio routines
- getopt.c
Copies of the Gnu libraries for command line options
- getopt1.c
- contents.d
Contents for Autoduck documentation
- PP06.hlp
LP Source code (not user) documentation generated by
- PP06.EXE Dos executable generated by BC3.1
- PPLIN Linux executable generated by Kylix 3
- ppwin.exe WIN-NT executable generated by BC5
- ppwin.mak Make file for BC5.51
- PP06.PRJ BC3.1 Project file
- MakeAll.bat
Dos make file to build whole project for various targets
Runs the Autoduck documentation generator
- postinstall.bat
Run after a Installshield to make an new html-help file,
and try to display it
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