PP06 Version 1.22 Copyright (C)1995-2003 Simon Bridger. 1994-1998 David Tait. PP06 Multi PIC Programmer (DOS) Version 1.22 HTML Help Dump

PP06 Multi PIC Programmer (DOS) Version 1.22

HTML Help Dump


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    PP06 [-options] hexfile (nb: options are all lower case. numeric values are often in decimal, although it reports results in hex. [needs to be checked and fixed]) (substitute PPWIN, PP06, PPLIN for your OS version)


    PP06 -device=16F877 -! -go -unit=2 hexfile.hex Program 16F877 in channel 2, no-confirmation, run after program

    PP06 -d=12F675 -! -go hexfile.hexprograms flash, and reload the osccal and bgcal automatically

    PP06 -d=12C508A -! -go -jw -osccal=1234 hexfile.hexprogram an erased windowed part, and reload the osccal value

    PP06 -d=12C508A -dump hexfile.hex :read PIC into hexfile.hex

    PP06 -verify -! :Reads the device ID, oscal, config, and tries to guess the type

    PP06 -go :Turn power on or reset target

    PP06 -off :Turn power off

    PP06 -device=16F628 -force_cp hexfile.hex :force FULL code/data protection irrespective of what is in hex file

    Program, Erase etc

    If file given, and no other command it programs the part

    -erase :Does a bulk erase on flash parts before programming If the part is code protected you need to force erase first. Eprom parts are blank checked before programming. Flash parts skip over locations that don't need to be altered (see also -lax).

    Type2 Flash devices will program faster when more than 1/2 the locations are changing, if you erase before programming. eg F84A,F87X,F62X

    Type3 Flash devices are always forced to bulk erase before programming. eg F7X

    Type4 Flash devices bulkare implemented. eg 12F675

    Type5 Flash devices implemented, but untested. eg F818/9 F87XA devices are now type 5

    Type3,4,5 Flash devices are always forced to bulk erase before programming. eg F7X

    -noerase :Blocks auto-erase in Flash3 devices. Also blocks blank-check This means that Eprom and Flash3 devices can be over-programmed where possible. Unless locations can actually be programmed this will still fail.

    -lax :Relaxed verify to speed up programming flash parts for development Only verifies at VccMid, not VccLo or VccHi; Only checks the part of memory that was in the hex file

    -full :full 3 level verify (BEL Hardware only) of ALL memory locations The voltages used for 3 level verify are set by resistors on the programmer boardand are set for normal parts not low voltage ones. The voltages can be checked using -debug

    -file [hex file] or -f [hex file] :explicitly specify hex filename (unneeded)

    -nowait or ! :run immediately without prompting user to insert PIC

    -verbose -quiet -silent :Amount of info printed during operation. Not properly implemented yet. In theory, -silent only prints error messages

    Dump, Verify, Checksum

    -dump :Dumps device to hex file.

    -verify :Verify program against hex file

    -checksum :Calcs checksum, deviceID etc as below

    If no file given just reads DeviceID,Config,OscCal, and does checksum If no device given, reads DeviceID from PIC, and searches for that device

    Hex File Formats

    -inhx8m -inhx16m Select Intel Hex format for Dump (default is inhx8m) automatically determines the type when loading hex file

    Selecting PIC Device

    -device=[device name eg 16f84a] or -d=[device name] :Set device type -device MUST be FIRST option. (see also: Known PIC Devices)

    -help=[partial device name eg '16F8'] lists known pics that match the partial name.

    Setting Config Bits

    Normally it is better to embed the config word in the hex file. A command-line value overrides the WHOLE hex file config value(except -force_cp below). You can set the config value explicitly, or by setting individual flags.

    -config=[config value] -c :Explicitly set Config Word: OR use config flags

    -fosc=[0-7] OR -lp -xt -hs -rc -rc0 -rc1 -rc2 -rc3 :Set FOSC: Currently oscillator mode is set by 2 or 3 bits. These bits don't have to be contiguous, but we are assuming that they have the same meanings.

    -cp0 -cp1 -cpd -pwrte -wdte -mclre -boden -lvp -wrt0 -wrt1 -dbg -borv0 -borv1 -ccpmx :Others

    -jw OR -no_cp :safety flag for Windowed Parts: Blocks setting code protect bits as they cannot be erased and this effectively renders the part unusable. Overrides all cp bits on commandline or in hex file. ALWAYS use this with your windowed parts

    During programming the value of the config register is shown before and after programming. To find the value of the config register try a dump or verify

    Defaults are fosc=1 (XT)

    Config programmed any time the program memory is written, or if CONFIG is explicitly given on commandline or in file

    -force_cp :Force FULL code protect. Used when you want to ensure that whatever config value is in the hex file, shipped parts WILL be code protected (note that -jw or -no_cp will override -force_cp)

    Note the difference from other config options: using ANY config option on the commandline, will result on the command line value being used, NOT the hexfile value

    osc_cal Oscillator Calibration Value & Windowed (JW) Eproms

    -osc_cal=[value] :Set Osc Calibration location to given value. Used when re-programming a windowed eprom part that has been erased to restore original (factory) calibration value.

    Only has any effect if the osc_cal value in the part is blank, otherwise it ignores this option.

    When you program or read a device with an osc_cal, the programmer reports the current value if non-blank. (there might be an issue with hex vs decimal)

    EPROMS:You MUST write the original Osc_Cal value on the part the first time you use it, or it will be lost forever

    FLASH: The programmer reads the OSC_CAL (and any other CAL bits) and re-writes them after erase. However it is recommended read them first (see below) and write them down!

    pp06 -verify:Read the OSC CAL, DeviceID, and Config values:

    After programming successfully

    -go -on :leave power on and run if successful.

    pp06 -go :Also useful from command-line to reset target during debugging

    -off :turn power off when done (or from command line) While the BEL dual programmer has a power switch most prototype programmers don't Note that currently the software doesn't have separate control for RST1 & RST2, but this could be done using PPCON

    Dual Channel Programming

    -unit [1 or 2] :select channel to program (default=1) only with BEL Dual Channel Programmer hardware

    Environment Variables

    For compatibility with older versions 3 options can be set in the environment

    PPDELAY [tdly in us] PPLPT [1-3] PPSETUP [hwid]

    see -tdly -hardware -lpt1[2,3] command line options override environment variables

    Data EEProm, ID Locations, Device ID etc

    The software programs data EEProm and ID locations if there is data in the hex file. It no longer accepts a separate eeprom data file.

    It also attempts to read, check, and report the DeviceID locations, even on parts that Microchip don't list and ID for. These values are reported in hex

    Pulse Timing

    -tdly=[delay in us] sets delay for output to change in us typically 5us

    -tprog=[program pulse width in us] eg 10000 for flash, 100 for eprom Maximum value is 27000

    Mostly tprog is set to the worst case value. Often this is for data memory at 2V you can often speed up programming by using the 5V only timing and -tprog

    Delays are somewhat variable in the wonderful world of Windows.

    -debug should be used with an oscillioscope to check on actual timing as well as rise times on clock edges. Generally it is important that pulses are not too short. Too long is seldom a problem.

    Devices that have a default RC oscillator mode (eg 12CXXX) cause problems if there is a delay between power on, and reset and VPP-Hi. See VPP Timing below...

    VPP Timing

    -tpwroff=[delay in ms] sets power off time before entering programming. Can be set to 0 for SOME pic's only

    -tvppdly=[delay in ms] sets delay AFTER Vdd on, that VPP is raised. Can be negative or 0 for SOME pics.

    -tpwron=[delay in ms] sets the time taken for VDD to rise.

    These options interact with power supply bypass capacitors and other hardware factors. They are very important when using SOME pic parts eg 12C508, 12C671 that expect VPP to be up before VDD, or which require VDD to be completely off XXms before VPP rises.

    When using ICSP, and not controlling VDD, you can set -tpwroff to 0. This helps with debugging, as you can try this to see if a particular PIC type will work in this way at all. Also bear in mind that for some PIC's, VDD is still ON at 0.8V!

    VPP Risetime: 16F819's don't enter program mode if VPP rises too quickly (<50ns) A 330pF capacitor from VPP to ground fixes this problem.

    -notest :Ignores HW Test. Some pics (eg 12C508) disable RST when programmed and interfere with the hardware test. This forces VPP on RST to enter pgm mode

    -noread :For use with hardware that doesn't have read, or when overwriting devices with code protect

    Low Voltage Programming

    Some PIC's have an LVP pin (eg RB4 on 16F628). Unfortunately, when trying to in-circuit program these parts when blank or erased, a 1 on this pin will stuff up the programming. Either ensure this pin pulls low, or connect it to pin 7 of the programming header, and ground it at the programmer bd.

    The BEL programmer can be modified for LVP. See the homepage. No changes to the software are required to use it

    Selecting Printer Port

    -lpt1 -lpt2 -lpt3 : Select Printer Port (dos/win)

    -lp0 -lp1 -lp2 : Select Printer Port LINUX

    -lpt=[port address] : Set Printer Port Address directly eg -lpt=0x378

    see also Environment Variables

    Known Hardware Types

    -hardware [hw#] :Select programmer hardware type (also see environment variables)

    -hw [hw#]

    -hardware 0 : 7406/4066 1 channel Prototype Programmer
    -hardware 1 : 7407/4066 1 channel Prototype Programmer
    -hardware 2 : 7406/PNP 1 channel Prototype Programmer
    -hardware 3 : 7407/PNP 1 channel Prototype Programmer
    -hardware 4 : BEL PICPN 2 channel Production Programmer *DEFAULT*
    -hardware 5 : Jaycar Kit81/Electronics Australia 7407/PNP 1 channel Prototype Programmer
    -hardware 6 : El Cheapo 1 channel Prototype Programmer

    -debug :Debug mode exercises hardware for checking voltages, timing, and logic. It steps through various states and is self explanatory

    Known PIC Devices

    16F84A : FLASH2; 14 bit; 4000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=002b;
    16F84 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=01ff;
    16F83 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=01ff;
    16C84 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=01ff;
    16CR84 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=01ff;
    16F627 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=003d;
    16F628 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=003e;
    16F627A : FLASH4; 14 bit; 6000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0082;
    16F628A : FLASH4; 14 bit; 6000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0083;
    16F648A : FLASH4; 14 bit; 6000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0088;
    16F73 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0030;
    16F74 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0031;
    16F76 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0032;
    16F77 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0033;
    16F870 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0068;
    16F871 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0069;
    16F872 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0047;
    16F873 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=004b;
    16F874 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0049;
    16F876 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=004f;
    16F877 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=004d;
    16F873A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0071;
    16F874A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0073;
    16F876A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0070;
    16F877A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0071;
    16F818 : FLASH5; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0026;
    16F819 : FLASH5; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0027;
    12C671 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=0028;
    12C672 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C505 : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; Device ID=01ff;
    12C508 : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; Device ID=01ff;
    12C508A : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; Device ID=01ff;
    12C509 : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; Device ID=01ff;
    12F629 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=007c;
    12F675 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=007e;
    16F630 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0086;
    16F676 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; Device ID=0087;
    16C61 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C71 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C62 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C64 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C65 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C73 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C74 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C62A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C62B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C63A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16CR62 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C63 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C64A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16CR64 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C65A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C65B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C66 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C67 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C72 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C72A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C73A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C73B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C74A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C74B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C76 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C77 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C620 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C620A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C621 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C621A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C622 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C622A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C923 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C924 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C710 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C711 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C745 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C765 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C773 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C774 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C554 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C556 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C558 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    16C433 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    25050 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    14C000 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; Device ID=01ff;
    Detailed Information
    16F84A : FLASH2; 14 bit; 4000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=002B; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=C00F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)64
    16F84 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=C00F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)64
    16F83 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=C00F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:512, Data(EE)64
    16C84 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=8;CP0=C00F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)64
    16CR84 : FLASH ; 14 bit; 20000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=C08F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FF7F;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)64
    16F627 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=003D; U=1;CIDL=200;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EBFF;CP1=D7FF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)128
    16F628 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=003E; U=1;CIDL=200;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EBFF;CP1=D7FF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)128
    16F627A : FLASH4; 14 bit; 6000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0082; U=1;CIDL=1E00;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)128
    16F628A : FLASH4; 14 bit; 6000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0083; U=1;CIDL=1E00;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)128
    16F648A : FLASH4; 14 bit; 6000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0088; U=1;CIDL=1E00;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)256
    16F73 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0030; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16F74 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0031; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16F76 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0032; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16F77 : FLASH3; 14 bit; 3000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0033; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16F870 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0068; U=1;CIDL=400;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EFEF;CP1=DFDF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=0,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)64
    16F871 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0069; U=1;CIDL=400;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EFEF;CP1=DFDF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=0,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)64
    16F872 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0047; U=1;CIDL=400;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EFEF;CP1=DFDF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=0,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)64
    16F873 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=004B; U=1;CIDL=400;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EFEF;CP1=DFDF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=0,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)128
    16F874 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0049; U=1;CIDL=400;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EFEF;CP1=DFDF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=0,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)128
    16F876 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=004F; U=1;CIDL=400;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EFEF;CP1=DFDF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=0,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)256
    16F877 : FLASH2; 14 bit; 5000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=004D; U=1;CIDL=400;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EFEF;CP1=DFDF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=0,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)256
    16F873A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0071; U=1;CIDL=1030;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=400,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)128
    16F874A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0073; U=1;CIDL=1030;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=400,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)128
    16F876A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0070; U=1;CIDL=1030;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=400,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)256
    16F877A : FLASH6; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0071; U=1;CIDL=1030;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=400,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)256
    16F818 : FLASH5; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0026; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=400,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=1000;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)128
    16F819 : FLASH5; 14 bit; 1000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0027; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=DFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=80;WRT0=200,WRT1=400,DBG=F7FF;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=1000;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)256
    12C671 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=0028; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFEF;CP0=EADF;CP1=D5BF;CPD=0;MCLRE=80;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=3FF;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    12C672 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFEF;CP0=EADF;CP1=D5BF;CPD=0;MCLRE=80;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=7FF;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C505 : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=0;CP0=F02F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=3FF;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    12C508 : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=0;CP0=FFF7;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=10;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=1FF;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:512, Data(EE)0
    12C508A : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=0;CP0=FFF7;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=10;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=1FF;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:512, Data(EE)0
    12C509 : EPROM ; 12 bit; 100 us; tries=8; reburn=11; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=0;CP0=FFF7;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=10;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=3FF;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    12F629 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=007C; U=0;CIDL=E00;PWRTE=FFEF;CP0=FF7F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=3FF;CFG_CAL=3000; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)128
    12F675 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=007E; U=0;CIDL=E00;PWRTE=FFEF;CP0=FF7F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=3FF;CFG_CAL=3000; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)128
    16F630 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0086; U=0;CIDL=E00;PWRTE=FFEF;CP0=FF7F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=3FF;CFG_CAL=3000; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)128
    16F676 : FLASH4; 14 bit; 8000 us; tries=1; reburn=0; ID=0087; U=0;CIDL=E00;PWRTE=FFEF;CP0=FF7F;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FEFF;MCLRE=20;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=3FF;CFG_CAL=3000; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)128
    16C61 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3F10;PWRTE=8;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    16C71 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3F10;PWRTE=8;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    16C62 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3F80;PWRTE=8;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFDF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C64 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3F80;PWRTE=8;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFDF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C65 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3F80;PWRTE=8;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFDF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C73 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3F80;PWRTE=8;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFDF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C74 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3F80;PWRTE=8;CP0=FFEF;CP1=FFDF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C62A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C62B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C63A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16CR62 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C63 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C64A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16CR64 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C65A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C65B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C66 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)0
    16C67 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)0
    16C72 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C72A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C73A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C73B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C74A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C74B : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C76 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)0
    16C77 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)0
    16C620 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:512, Data(EE)0
    16C620A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:512, Data(EE)0
    16C621 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    16C621A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    16C622 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C622A : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C923 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=C0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C924 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=C0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C710 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:512, Data(EE)0
    16C711 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    16C745 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=C0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD5D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=400;BORV1=800;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)0
    16C765 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=C0;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD5D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=400;BORV1=800;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:8192, Data(EE)0
    16C773 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EEEF;CP1=FDDD;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=400;BORV1=800;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C774 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EEEF;CP1=FDDD;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=40; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=400;BORV1=800;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0
    16C554 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:512, Data(EE)0
    16C556 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:1024, Data(EE)0
    16C558 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=80;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=EAEF;CP1=FD6D;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    16C433 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=0;PWRTE=FFEF;CP0=EADF;CP1=D5BF;CPD=0;MCLRE=80;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=7FF;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:2048, Data(EE)0
    25050 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=3FF8;PWRTE=0;CP0=FFFF;CP1=FFFF;CPD=FFFF;MCLRE=4;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:86, Data(EE)0
    14C000 : EPROM ; 14 bit; 100 us; tries=25; reburn=3; ID=01FF; U=1;CIDL=42;PWRTE=FFF7;CP0=F3EF;CP1=EDDF;CPD=DE7F;MCLRE=0;BODEN=0; LVP=0;WRT0=0,WRT1=0,DBG=0;BORV0=0;BORV1=0;CCPMX=0;OSC_CAL=0;CFG_CAL=0; Memory: Prog:4096, Data(EE)0

    Special Devices: The last 2 devices have incomplete support MCP250X: The offset 0x10 base address offset is not done, ie the base is at 0x10 not 0. Check before using as this will change in future versions 14C000: The calibration memory is not handled. The user has to ensure his program doesn't have any data here. The -jw option should still protect windowed devices.

    for detailed information about devices: -help devicelong | more

    -help=[partial device name eg '16F8'] lists known pics that match the partial name.


    -help [topic] -? [topic] :for detailed help topics: all options help device devicelong config env hardware html

    -help all | more to show ALL help screens

    -help=html > pp06.html :to dump html help file

    All Options (automatically generated list)

    Short Options:[d:D:c:C:!?#:f:F:]

    Long_Opts arguments are [none,required,optional]

    -config (required)
    -12bit -14bit -checksum -debug
    -device (required) -dump -eprom -erase
    -noerase -flash -file (required) -go
    -help (required) -lpt (required) -lpt1 -lpt2
    -lpt3 -lp0 -lp1 -lp2
    -noread -notest -nowait -off
    -on -quiet -read -silent
    -tdly (required) -tprog (required) -tpwroff (required) -tvppdly (required)
    -tpwron (required) -verbose -verify -version
    -psize (required) -dsize (required) -hardware (required) -hw (required)
    -unit (required) -lax -full -inhx8m
    -inhx16 -fosc (required) -lp -xt
    -hs -rc -rc0 -rc1
    -rc2 -rc3 -wdte -pwrte
    -cp -cp0 -cp1 -boden
    -boren -lvp -cpd -wrt
    -wrt0 -wrt1 -dbg -mclre
    -borv1 -borv0 -ccpmx -jw
    -no_cp -force_cp -osc_cal (required) -osccal (required)

    Supported Operating Systems

    DOS, Win95, 98, (ME) The DOS version of the program is fully self contained, and works with Win95,98

    WinNT, Win2K, ... The Windows version requires a dll DLPORTIO.DLL for win 9X. I recommend using the DOS version with win 9X. It's faster and simpler For Win 2k/NT DLPORTIO.SYS is also required, and administrator permissions are required to set it up. The driver needs to be an automatically started service These drivers are provided by Scientific Software Tools DriverLINX URL: http://www.sstnet.com/ftp/unsupported/port95nt.exe ftp://ftp.sstnet.com/pub/unsupported/port95nt.exe Info to use them, and the installer program was thanks to John Pappas http://diskdude.cjb.net/files/cbuilder/DLPortIO/port95nt.exe

    Timing Problems: The windows version has had its TDLY timing increased This was OK for a 1.4GHz Athlon running Win2K. If you have problems with hardware not being detected use the -tdly=XX option to increase the delay You may have more problems with external oscillators if these are running during programming

    Printer Port Address problems. At the time of writing, it does not find the LPT base address from the registry under Win2K on my system. I have patched over this by hard coding the traditional LPT addresses for LPT1-3. You can explicitly specify the base address with -LPT=0x378

    Linux The beta Linux version uses /dev/port, and needs root permissions Note that while under linux printer ports number from 0 Under linux use -lp0 etc to select the port -LPT1 etc will still use the dos convention ie be linux lp0

    Defaults: xt unprotected, no erase, off, new, verbose, read, wait

    File Bug reports under "bugs" at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pp06

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