PP06 PIC Programmer Software

PP06 is an open-source Production programmer for Microchip's PIC micros. Specifically designed for use in factory in-circuit programming, and development of master/slave systems


The software is now Open Source. The PP06 Project Page onSourceForge is the place to find all up-to-date information, make bug reports etc.

It is freely available for any purpose, including use with commercial programmers or other products

To be kept up to date join the pp06-news list

If you havn't already, join Sourceforge, and fill out the new user survey so we know what the software gets used for.

Command Line Reference

This (pp06.html) is the main command reference

The program emits its own help and html help file. This is the primary command reference for options, supported PIC's etc, and should be referred to in preference to these web pages.

This is a fairly recent version, but always make yourself to a fresh one

PP06 -help=[topic] will emit help on "topic"
PP06 -help=all | more will display all help screens

To dump all help as an html file:

PP06 -help=html > pp06.html

(More about help )

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PP06 is a DOS commandline program. It uses gnu style long options

Hardware Types

Currently known Programmers

This software works with (currently) 5 different generic types of Tait-ish parallel port programming hardware, but is tested with the BEL Dual Pic Programmer. The s/w allows New Hardware Types to be easily added with a few new macros.

PIC Types

Currently known Pic Types

The programmer supports 12 and 14 bit ICP parts (ie 16CXX,16FXXX,12CXXX), EProm, OTP and Flash. New PIC types can be easily added with a single line of source code.

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Operating Systems

Adding new Operating Systems and PC Hardware

Programmer & Software Functionality

Capabilities of Dual Pic Programmer

Latest Versions

Zip Files Source and Binary releases are available here

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Browse the CVS (source code)

Test Programs

In the zip file you will find a set of batch files, and a printer-port control program that will exercise the port pins directly, or can be used to reset the target, turn the power on/off etc.

PP06 -debug will enter debug mode, and the pins and timing can be tested.

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Compile, Assemble, Program

I use the batch file BLOCASM.BAT from within MultiEdit. They have an eval version, and it is thoroughly recommended. If you are using Multiedit, I can send you my MECONFIG.DB file with language and tool setups.

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Is it the same as David Taits Program?

It will work with 4 types of tait-ish hardware. It was originally very similar, but since the addition of 12 bit devices, Eprom, data eeprom, id_bytes, cpu_id's, config in file, GNU command lines etc, it is now very different.

The commandline options have been totally re-written using the gnu long_options library to make them self-evident.

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